
"The Future of Fine Dining is a thoughtful product range combining his knowledge of gastronomy and design and invites the guests to a new awareness and enhanced experience at the table."

- Önska Award Jury 2012

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The Project

This MA thesis project is an investigation of fine dining and a prediction of where it might be headed in the future.

Every course features a custom recipe as well as tabletop items, designed to enhance the experience. The Project aims to highlight important issues and trends through culinary storytelling while at the same time offering a balanced and enjoyable dining experience.

Image: Fäviken Cookbook

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This project connects my passion and knowledge of the culinary arts with my abilities as an Industrial Designer. Research about the history of Fine Dining as well as conversations with chefs and restaurateurs were essential. The project hinges on the connection to global food trends and is anchored in the classic French Tasting menu.

Concepts were tested at several dinners in Stockholm and New York where guests were surveyed about their experiences.

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First Course

Seafood Sustainability

Artificial perceptions have lead to over fishing and skewed ideas about luxury.

The dish has a strong message for sustainability and ecological considerations and aims to challenge the artificial hierarchy in the sea while at the same time offer all the bounty it has to offer in a sustainable way.

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2nd Course

Umami Experience

Serving a smaller, healthier portion of meat but creating a stronger sensorial experience.

This course is designed to serve a smaller portion of high quality meat but utilize the 5th flavour Umami as well as the technique of deglazing in front of the guest to create a richer, "meatier" experience.

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3rd Course

Social Conventions, Play and Memory

Traditionally, Fine Dining etiquette would dictate that dessert is not served "family style", meaning that everybody would retrieve their food from the same source such as a bowl or tray.

The dessert course offers the perfect opportunity to disrupt and to invite interaction and communication between the guests and to challenge how we traditionally end a meal in this context.

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